
Orientation Handbook

Personal Protective Equipment Personal protective clothing and equipment are available to employees who have the potential to come in contact with blood or body fluids. Equipment may include face shields, gowns, gloves, masks, eye covers, and pocket resuscitation masks. Hazardous Waste Employees must educate the patient/client on proper disposal of sharps in a puncture proof container, e.g., a hard plastic or metal container with a screw top or reenforced top with heavy duty type tape. Employees must educate the patient/client on proper disposal of wound dressings by placing soiled bandages, disposable pads/sheets, medical gloves, masks, and gowns in securely fastened plastic bags before placing them in the garbage can with other trash. Infection Control The Agency maintains an ongoing Infection Control Program in an attempt to improve patient/client health outcomes. Both patient/client and employee infections are tracked. The Infection Control Program is part of the QAPI Program. Infection Reporting The employee should report patient/client infections on the appropriate form to their immediate supervisor. An employee infection or exposure should be reported to immediate supervisor as soon as the employee is aware of it. Management will determine if the employee can safely perform duties without exposing co- workers or patients/clients. Review the following policy and procedure: Online Bookmark Title of Policy Surveillance, Prevention, and Control of Infection (IC) Infection Control Program Hand Hygiene All employees will follow the hand hygiene policy. Hand hygiene supplies are provided by the Agency. Review the following policy and procedure: Online Bookmark Title of Policy Surveillance, Prevention, and Control of Infection (IC) Hand Hygiene
Last updated: 12/04/2024 1:24 AM