• The home health agency may choose to send a separate communication to the certifying physician advising the certifying physician of the F2F encounter date and the physician who completed it. The certifying physician should be instructed to sign, date, and return the communication. A copy of this communication must be included with the F2F records being forwarded. Additionally, a copy of the F2F that was prepared by an alternate physician must be forwarded to the certifying physician for their records. • The F2F may be faxed to the certifying physician with a request that it be signed, dated, and returned. • An attestation is often utilized as a supplemental document. The information specifying the date of the F2F (and the physician who prepared it) when signed and dated on the attestation by the certifying physician validates a F2F encounter. • Again, a copy of the F2F that was prepared by an alternate physician must be forwarded to the certifying physician for their records. • Electronic signatures are acceptable. Admission Process The admitting clinician makes the admission visit on the designated start of care date. The following documents are required for admission: Document Comments Original Left in Home Copy Left in Home Original Submit to Office within 24-48 Hours Consent Form Must be completed in advance of providing direct care or education and signed by the patient or legal representative, if applicable. X X Patient/Client Rights and Responsibilities Provided in a language and manner the patient or representative understands in advance of providing direct care or education. X Notice of Nondiscrimination and Notice of Availability of Language Assistance Services and Auxiliary Aids and Services Notices left with patient/client/companions. Signed Patient/Client Acknowledgment of Nondiscrimination Notice is returned to the office. X Acknowledgment returned to office