Section 5: Safety/OSHA OSHA The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) was created to protect employees from hazards in the workplace. The Agency maintains all OSHA records, complies with posting and reporting requirements, and participates with all OSHA office inspections as requested. Risk Management The Agency is committed to a safe workplace that is free from hazards with all employee areas safeguarded while on the job. Safety is a top priority. The Agency endeavors to provide adequate training to employees to enable them to work safely. Management is expected to enforce and practice safe work procedures. Please inform management of any conditions which might put the employee and/or patient/client at risk or contribute to an unsafe environment. Management and employees must work together to practice sound risk management, to work safety, to report all incidents promptly, and to correct unsafe conditions. Personal Safety Employees are encouraged to take precautions. To promote personal safety, adhere to the following: • Leave valuables at home or locked in your vehicle, desk, or locker. • Be sure your vehicle is locked at all times, whether you are in or out of it. • Take only a small amount of money to work. • Store your purse or wallet, briefcase, and/or supply bag and supplies in a secure area in your car, out of sight of routine passers-by. • If someone attempts to rob you, do not resist, or hesitate to give up your purse or bag. Call the police immediately. Write down everything you remember about the incident. • If you feel unsafe carrying your supply bag, carry supplies in a paper bag. • Be aware of your surroundings. If you note suspicious activities, do not risk your safety, just leave, and call the office. • Be cautious around elevators, and if you are at all suspicious of another passenger, wait for another elevator. • Request that patients/clients have all pets confined or restrained during the home visit, • Ensure you have an unobstructed exit from your workstation.