
Orientation Handbook

Possessing firearms or weapons, concealed or otherwise, on or in agency property may threaten the safety of yourself and others. Handguns (concealed and/or open carry) may be prohibited or allowed in the workplace, as permitted by state law. The Agency policy must specify whether the agency prohibits or permits the presence of weapons in the workplace. Failure to comply with this policy will result in discipline and potential criminal charges. (The policy is listed under the Workplace Violence Prevention Program section of the Orientation Manual.) Illegal drug or alcohol use or possession may threaten the safety of yourself and others. You may not use or possess them on agency property or while conducting agency business. If threatened by a co-worker or intruder, do not argue, beg, plead, or minimize his or her comments and stay calm. To assist employees in responding to an active shooter event and in order to preserve life and address the reality of an active shooter event, guidelines have been established to guide the Agency’s response to maximize survivability. In any emergency or disaster situation, stay calm. Use safe work practices and follow all directives. Do not open suspicious packages. Do not work alone in the office. Do not walk to your car alone after dark – have a “buddy system”. Driving Safety Keep your car in good running condition. Always keep your car doors locked and the windows up when in slow traffic or at a traffic light. Have a spare set of keys in an appropriate location. Carry your keys in your hand. This enables you to get into your car immediately and it is also a form of self-defense. (Hold the key ring in the palm of your hand and put a key between each of your four fingers with the sharp ends sticking out.) Have enough fuel for the day’s travel. Do not pick up hitchhikers. If you see a stranded motorist, drive to the nearest phone, or use your cell phone and call the police. If you fear you are being followed, drive to the nearest police, fire, or gas station. If a person tries to car jack your car, give it to them.
Last updated: 12/04/2024 1:24 AM