
Orientation Handbook

Barriers to Effective Communication Language or cultural differences. Poor communication skills. Sensory impairment – hearing loss, blindness. Cognitive impairment – confusion, disorientation. Provision of Care Home Health Aide Care Plan A Home Health Aide (HHA) Care Plan is completed by the RN. This identifies the patient’s/client’s care needs. The aide can only perform the tasks that are checked. At times, the Care Plan may become outdated. For example, when a patient/client comes home from the hospital, they may only be able to tolerate a bed bath, but as they become stronger and healthier, they may need a shower or bath. The Care Plan will need to be updated. Notify the RN/Case Manager or the supervisor if you feel the care checked is no longer appropriate. It is very important to check the Care Plan every visit as the RN may have updated and changed the plan. Vital signs are performed as stated on the Care Plan. The aide should report any findings outside of the parameters. Any special instructions or precautions should be documented on the Care Plan. If you need explanation or education regarding these instructions/precautions, call the supervisor before performing. Assigned tasks to be performed will be checked either “every visit” or “patient/client choice.” Notify the supervisor immediately if the Care Plan does not match the tasks that need to be provided for the patient/client. Remember, any duties which are not included on the Care Plan cannot be performed! Home Health Aide Visit Note A Home Health Aide Visit Note is completed for each visit. The documentation should be written in ink and be legible. Both the aide and the patient/client and/or family validate care has been performed by signing the visit note. If there are any changes in the patient’s/client’s condition notify the RN/case manager, and document the change and the notification. Notify the RN if patient/client refuses care or the visit.
Last updated: 12/04/2024 1:24 AM